IMSc Conference on IT Security

We organize a conference for collecting IMSc points in the context of the IT Security BSc course in the spring semester of the 2023/24 academic year at BME. Beyond IMSc point collection, the goal of the conference is to encourage students to deep-dive into some hot topics of IT security, to get familiar with the challenges and recent research results, and to share knowledge with other students in the form of short presentations. We do hope that the conference will shed light on the beauty of the field of IT security and some of its exciting research areas, and it will stimulate both the active participants of the conference and all other students enrolled in the IT security course to engage in further studies in the domain of IT security.

The Call for Papers (CfP) for the conference is available here.

Conference topics

all, uav, cyber-physical-system, vehicle, network-security, power grid, machine-learning, data-evaluation, privacy, economics, malware, binary-similarity, cryptography, machine-learning-security, LLM-security, LLM, copilot, federated-learning, poisoning, password-manager, AAA, OAuth, web-security, Kerberos

Vehicle security challenges

The last decades of the automotive industry have seen a significant change with the adoption of embedded controllers. Digital circuits and software components have taken control of processes previously controlled by analog methods. In addition to supporting more integrated functions and services, the primary motivation for this change was to reduce manufacturing costs. While delivering the expected results, this shift also created an undesirable problem: vehicles inherited the cybersecurity weaknesses of computers. If an attacker can take control of a computer-controlled physical process in an attack, it can cause physical damage by logical means. In the transportation industry, such an attack could endanger human lives or cause significant financial loss.

Tags: vehicle, cyber-physical-system, network-security
